Vineo autoplay and automute
Vineo autoplay and automute

vineo autoplay and automute

If you want your video to be responsive, you will need to wrap it in the following code, replacing with the code above.

  • Click Publish and your video should now autoplay.

    A full list of parameters can be found here: Supported Parameters. To make it autoplay, add ?autoplay=1&mute=1 after the YouTube URL. Common ones to change are width and height. Paste the code into a Code block, and edit any parameters you want.Click on Embed and select the options you want on the video, then copy the code.Find the YouTube video you want to embed and click on Share.To autoplay a YouTube video, you'll need to add some code to your site. Unfortunately, YouTube videos can't be made to autoplay in the same way as Vimeo videos. If you want even more control over the behaviour of the video, the full list of Vimeo parameters can be found here: Using Player Parameters It is important you add the extra bit of code in if your video does have sound to ensure it does auto-play as most Browsers will block videos from auto-playing with sound. The Code should then look like this with the extra bit of code entered in: IMPORTANT: If your video has sound you will need to enter the following code snippet after the Video link within the above code you have just pasted.Į.g the Code you have copied looks like this:.Copy the code, then go to your site, navigate to where you want the video to be embedded and add a Code block.You will then have a range of options you can add to your embedded video:.Click on + Show options besides the Embed box:.Find the video you want to embed on your site and click Share.


    If you're after more controls for your Vimeo video or don't have a pro account you may want to embed it in an HTML block instead. Most modern browsers prevent videos from auto-playing with sound (unless the user has already allowed it on your site before), which is why &mute=1 is necessary. If you're wanting the video to autoplay, but with controls, you'll need to add the following text to the end of the Vimeo URL instead of ?background=1: ? This will make the video autoplay on your site with no sound and no controls. To make the video autoplay add ?background=1 to the end of the video’s URL and click Save.

    vineo autoplay and automute

  • Once your video is published, add a Rocketspark video block to your webpage and paste in the video link.
  • To create an autoplay background video on Rocketspark your video needs to be hosted on Vimeo.
  • vineo autoplay and automute

    If the video is uploaded to Vimeo and you have a paid Vimeo Pro Account this can be achieved through the Rocketspark video block. If you do not want your video as a Stack Background you will need to add some code to the Video block to get your video to autoplay. If you want to have a video autoplay with sound off as your Stack Background, follow this help guide. However, there are some instances where you may want the video to autoplay in the background. The Rocketspark video block allows you to upload videos to your webpage.

    Vineo autoplay and automute